1.   Gold is considered to hold its value during economic or political troubles.

2.   Mrs. Dyachenko is considered to hold considerable influence in Kremlin affairs.

3.   Israeli President Ezer Weizman, considered to hold more moderate views than Netanyahu, also met with Erekat and Abbas.

4.   The original SARFU delegation named for the talks did not include Luyt, who is considered to hold dictatorial power in running the union.

v. to hold >>共 286
be 13.29%
plan 8.68%
schedule 6.76%
expect 6.21%
continue 5.54%
try 5.22%
want 4.35%
agree 4.26%
have 3.42%
decide 2.91%
consider 0.05%
consider to v. >>共 147
be 78.11%
have 9.37%
replace 0.47%
provide 0.35%
represent 0.35%
help 0.29%
hold 0.23%
belong 0.23%
pose 0.23%
constitute 0.17%
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